Let’s rethink our relationship with dogs.

Every dog needs training to operate in a human world, and with more than four million dogs brought into American homes every year, there are lot of dogs to be trained.

windows and in front of it

Dog training is an unregulated industry

This lack of regulation has led to the pop culture version of a dog trainer: a dominant figure using magical methods in high-pressure, dramatic, and unrealistic scenarios which make for great TV, but are counter productive for behavior change.

A painting of a dog who is painting another dog

The Science of Canine Behavior

Luckily, the science is pretty sound on training – animal cognition and behavior has been studied for decades, and we have proof on what works: evidence-based methods. That’s why from day one, we’ve only worked with trainers who have earned certifications from the most respected, science driven organizations.

But training isn’t the only thing that impacts behavior

And if we’re to truly create behavior change that connects us deeper with our dogs and results in a happier, healthier relationship, then we need to look at the whole dog, not just what we want them to learn.

Introducing Behavioral Wellness


We can’t speak dog, and our dogs can’t speak human. Training is the best way to build a communication channel with your dog.


If your dog is hungry, overfed, or not getting the nutrients they need, their behavior will reflect that.


Just like humans, dogs need to move their bodies to stay healthy, and it’s critical to create an outlet for their excess energy.


Routine hygiene for your dog's unique needs is key to minimizing discomfort and keeping them happy


Dogs have evolved with natural instinctual drives – when those aren’t satisfied, their whole brain chemistry is thrown off

A trainer standing next to a dog getting them to sit
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Your dog doesn't come with an instruction manual. That's why there's Gentle Beast.